Monday, July 7, 2014

Getting to Forgiveness

Imagine a place somewhere
out of the way,
a place found on a map, even,
with corners and angles and squares,
a sign on the outskirts of town
faded with age and made on barnboard, maybe,
or else new and shining under the sun
and with words of open arms.

  "Welcome to Forgiveness!"

it might read,
to let you know that you were there.
To let you know that you had reached
your destination
To let you know
that you had
made it.

I wonder sometimes
how such a trip must feel.

Traveling alone, more than likely.
A car ride, it would seem.
The loneliness of your road
stretching away from you,
reminding you not only how far
you have to go
but also how far
you have come.

Observe directions.
Pay attention to signs.

Remember what you see.
Stop when you can or must.

And if you're still afraid of getting lost,
then tear your anger
into tiny little scraps
dropped in the wind
behind you,

marking your path

for the return trip

and reminding yourself
(as if you need reminding)
that the road is there.

          Make the trip when you can.

The People We Stumble Upon in This Portable Magic: Reading in 2023

Books are good company in sad times and happy times, for books are people--people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the cover...